At Nuts Circle, We Look At Roaster’s Skills Too...
At Nuts Circle
Raw material (cashew nuts with skin) at the receiving stage is checked for color, size, aroma, crispness, broken percentage and moisture to ensure the best quality product and graded to get the uniform size.
Aside from the material used in woodfired roasting, it cannot be said that roaster skills are a significant factor in qualifying roasting process. The combination of the raw materials and the roaster’s skills is perfect for cashew nuts roasting. It creates an overwhelmingly stronger fire than gas burners so the roasters should be skilled given the heat involved while roasting.
Having roasted, the roasted cashews with skin are transferred to the cooling and picking areas where the picking is done to remove any kind of foreign material and burnt particles. Final products are passed through the metal detector before packing and storing.
Woodfired Roasted Cashew Nuts with Skin Process
Raw materials checking
Woodfired roasted salted
Incomplete sealing
Date printing
Packing & Storing
According to the US Department of Agricultural National Nutrient Database (USDA), One ounce (28.35 g) of cashew nuts provides you with around…